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Welkom bij de "Experts Talks" podcastserie van Procter & Gamble Health, waarin we verschillende gezondheids- en welzijnsonderwerpen bespreken en u waardevolle informatie en deskundig advies geven. In onze eerste aflevering verkennen we de fascinerende wereld van de zwangerschap en vitaminesupplementen, waarbij we ons specifiek richten op het belang van cholinesupplementen tijdens de zwangerschap. 

In deze aflevering kijken we naar de rol van de voedingsinname tijdens de zwangerschap in de ontwikkeling van de foetus, en meer specifiek naar de rol van de inname van choline door de moeder tijdens de zwangerschap en de invloed daarvan op de cognitieve ontwikkeling van het kind later in het leven.


Dr. Grandfils

Hoofd verloskunde CHU de Liège
Gastprofessor aan de Haute École de la Province de Liège


  1. EFSA. 2016a. Dietary Reference Values for choline. EFSA Journal 14:4484. 
  2. Zeisel SH - Nutr Rev (2009) Choline an essential nutrient for public health 
  3. Schwarzenberg SJ - Pediatrics (2018) Advocacy for Improving Nutrition in the First 1000 Days To Support Childhood Development and Adult Health. (American Academy of Pediatrics) 
  4. Zeisel S - Nutrients (2017) Choline Other Methyl-Donors and Epigenetics  
  5. Zeisel SH - Int J Womens Health (2013) Nutrition in pregnancy: the argument for including a source of choline. 
  6. Caudill MA - FASEB J (2018) Maternal choline supplementation during the third trimester of pregnancy improves infant information processing speed:  a randomized, double-blind, controlled feeding study. 
  7. Caudill MA - J Am Diet Assoc (2010) Pre- and postnatal health evidence of increased choline needs. 
  8. Jiang X - FASEB J (2013) A higher maternal choline intake among third-trimester pregnant women lowers placental and circulating concentrations of the antiangiogenic factor fms. 
  9. Jiang X - FASEB J (2012) Maternal choline intake alters the epigenetic state of fetal cortisol-regulating genes in humans.
  10. Derbyshire E, Obeid R. Choline, Neurological Development and Brain Function: A Systematic Review Focusing on the First 1000 Days. Nutrients. 2020 Jun 10;12(6):1731. doi: 10.3390/nu12061731. PMID: 32531929; PMCID: PMC7352907.
  11. Bahnfleth,C.;Canfield,R.;Nevins,J.;Caudill,M.;Strupp,B.Prenatalcholinesupplementationimproves childcolor-locationmemorytaskperformanceat7yofage(FS05-01-19).Curr.Dev.Nutr.2019,3.
  12. Caudill,M.A.;Strupp,B.J.;Muscalu,L.;Nevins,J.E.H.;Canfield,R.L.Maternalcholinesupplementation duringthethirdtrimesterofpregnancyimprovesinfant informationprocessingspeed:Arandomized, double-blind,controlledfeedingstudy.FASEBJ.2018,32,2172–2180.
  13. Ross,R.G.;Hunter,S.K.;Hoffman,M.C.;McCarthy,L.;Chambers,B.M.;Law,A.J.;Leonard,S.;Zerbe,G.O.;Freedman,R.PerinatalPhosphatidylcholinesupplementationandearlychildhoodbehaviorproblems: EvidenceforCHRNA7moderation.Am. J.Psychiatry2016,173,509–516.
  14. Ross,R.G.;Hunter,S.K.;Hoffman,M.C.;McCarthy,L.;Chambers,B.M.;Law,A.J.;Leonard,S.;Zerbe,G.O.;Freedman,R.PerinatalPhosphatidylcholinesupplementationandearlychildhoodbehaviorproblems: EvidenceforCHRNA7moderation.Am. J.Psychiatry2016,173,509–516.
  15. Jacobson,S.W.;Carter,R.C.;Molteno,C.D.; Stanton,M.E.;Herbert, J.S.;Lindinger,N.M.;Lewis,C.E.; Dodge,N.C.;Hoyme,H.E.;Zeisel,S.H.;etal.Efficacyofmaternalcholinesupplementationduringpregnancy inmitigatingadverseeffectsofprenatalalcoholexposureongrowthandcognitivefunction:Arandomized, double-blind,placebo-controlledclinical trial. AlcoholClin. Exp. Res. 2018,42,1327–1341.


P&G Health Belgium BV/SRL Temselaan 100, 1083 Strombeek-Bever

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