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This e-Learning, presented by professor Sotiriou, is meant to give you an overview of genomic signatures. It focuses on clinical utility and latest recommendations regarding GEP (Gene Expression Profiling) tests in Belgium. It will provide you with the tools to offer personalized care to HR+ / HER2- early breast cancer patients.


Christos Sotiriou

Jules Bordet Institute and ULB, Oncology

Prof Sotiriou is currently Research Director at the FNRS, Chef de Clinique at the Jules Bordet Institute and recently appointed as Director of the Bordet Cancer Research Laboratories of the New Jules Bordet Institute, located in the Anderlecht campus. His main research focuses on improving the molecular understanding of breast cancer biology, disease dissemination and progression by using state-of-the art “omics” technologies, as well as on developing prognostic and predictive biomarkers for breast cancer. With an H-index of more than 100 and over 300 publications in high impact journals, Prof Sotiriou is a widely recognized thought leader. He has served as Chair or Co-Chair of symposia at international conferences of very high visibility, counting ASCO, EBCC and ESMO. His leadership is recognized by numerous organizations, such as the Breast International Group (BIG), AACR, ESMO and the European CanCer Organization (ECCO). He is an active member of numerous scientific and abstract review committees, such as the AACR, SABCS and the ESMO-ECCO conferences. He is the Associate Editor for breast cancer for Annals of Oncology, ESMO’s official journal. He is an Advisory Council Member of Susan G. Komen for the Cure® and former elected member of the Scientific Council of the International Agency for Research on Cancer for Belgium (IARC- WHO, 2012 to 2016). He served as an expert member of the editorial board for the WHO Classification of Breast Tumours (4th and 5th Edition (2019). He was elected fellow of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences and since 2022, he became a member of the Académie Royale de Médecine de Begique. Prof Sotiriou has received many prestigious awards, amongst which the 2015 “Joseph Maisin Scientific Prize - Clinical biomedical sciences”, a quinquennial prize awarded by the F.R.S. FNRS. Over the past 20 years, he has succeeded in obtaining steady independent, peer-reviewed research funding.

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