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EGPA (Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with PolyAngiitis) and HES (HyperEosinophilic Syndrome) are two rare and complex diseases, characterized by a multitude of manifestations. As a result the diagnosis can prove to be difficult and due to these patients visiting different specialists, the diagnosis of these eosinophilic diseases can be significantly delayed.

Therefore, an educational e-learning is organized with Prof. Florence Roufosse to provide more insight in the diseases of HES and EGPA as well as their respective treatment algorithms.



Université Libre de Bruxelles
Internal Medicine, HUB - Hôpital Erasme

Dr. Florence Roufosse is Professor of Medicine, Internist and Clinical Immunologist at CUB- Hôpital Erasme, Brussels, and is President of the International Eosinophil Society. She is in charge of a specialized consultation dedicated to diagnosing and treating eosinophil-related conditions, that is integrated in the European Reference Network: EuroBloodNet. She also manages patients with systemic auto-immune and auto-inflammatory conditions.

Besides these clinical activities, Dr. Roufosse leads translational research projects to improve understanding and treatment of lymphocytic variant hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES), and participates in international research efforts to better delineate disease course and treatment responses of HES. She is involved in the design and conduct of international clinical trials evaluating efficacy of novel treatment options in patients with HES and eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), as well as sub-studies that aim to identify biomarkers and/or disease variants predicting treatment responses.


Director of the General Internal Medicine Clinic - Internal Medicine Department
Internal Medicine, HUB - Hôpital Erasme

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